Thick Vegan Frothy Milky!

I've been dying for some frothed milk on my hot chocolate, finally I created a recipe!
Now it's semi-slimey, but keep reading. This is what helps it hold the froth for DAYS so you can keep it in the fridge!

Grab some vegan milk. Or make some. I use "s f healthy foods soy milk powder", make according to directions (I like to make mine a little thicker.)
Once cooked add:
1t vanilla extract, a pinch himalayan sea salt,
1/2 scoop stevia (optional)
1 heaped t calcium powder (if making your own vegan milk from nuts, soy, etc)

Stir and cool.

Then add:
1/2 t glucomannan powder dissolved in TB water or so.

Add to a blender, well below the MAX line, as it will aerate and grow by a third.

Use as coffee creamer or in hot chocolate.

Slightly thicker than thickened cream. Will help thicken your watery drinks, and depending, add whiteness to it too. You can put all your sweetener in the milk, adn then not have to add sugar later.


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