DIY Easy 3 step Almond Milk - Vegan, plant based, milk! HACK!

Back 10 years ago when I was dairy intolerant I used to be weirded out by them calling it "milk" if it came from an almond, these days I get it, but I at least think they should spell it mylk or milke - SOMETHING different so people can tell when they buy the product...anyway. Technically I guess it is an almond "juice"....but lets carry on!

Usually when you make almond milk there are quite a few steps indeed. Soak, rinse, blend, strain, pour!
WELL I've cut out a whole step to make it even easier! Simply: Soak, Rinse, Blend, Pour!

Grab yourself one of these jugs. Now, I didn't clean it for the photo, but you can still see a central tube. It contains the same metal mesh as a juicer. Basically, this juices your almonds so you just pour - no need to strain!! 


Be careful not to over blend, as once you blend the pieces just small enough to fit through, all hope is lost and you WILL need to re-strain the mixture. I personally love how easy this method is. Don't forget to save the pulp and make a microwave muffin out of it or toast it dry to make some of my famous twix bars!

There you have it, freshly juiced almond milk, without straining!

of course, you could just make raw cashew milk.....which is my favourite nut milk anyway!

Here I am milking a cow on a farm as a child as part of a school excursion. Though I prefer milking a nut milk bag, milking nothing at all - the strain free method - is my favourite!


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