Easy, healthy and Quick "Carrot Cheese" Pizza

Here's a good one....
I find cheeseless pizza gets dry, and a lot of cheese sauces just make it weirdly soggy, but here is a vesion that works!

here are the layers:
Pizza base
bolognese sauce - sauce and onion and meat in 1 step!
Smoked BBQ Sauce- for sweetness and richness of flavour- (sweet baby rays -MADE- the pizza)
herbs - for mediterranian flavour
mushrooms - for bite
chopped roasted capsicum - for richness in flavour
avocado - for creamy texture
Mayo - for gooey cheese like appearance, and flavour
Rocket and spinach - for GREEN
2 Carrots grated on top - this will protect the spinach from charring, and add moisture and look like cheddar! (  I used 1 and sprayed it with oil and it crisped up so fast that the mushrooms didn't cook, so 2 should offer enough moisture not to dry out so fast! Golden potatoes could work too!)

Never thought of using a pasta sauce but it really works, this actually tasted EXCELLENT despite having NO cheese like product all over it. It was wonderful and a refreshing change!

Other topping ideas?

try adding olives?
try adding pineapple?

i had an "americana" pizza once. Onion, baco, egg, tomato. It was the best. Also Capriciosa was ham, cheese, anchovies, olives. So good- miss it!!!! Also ham and pineapple is so quienching and flavoursome! Gotta love it!


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